Liberty Coach inks dealership agreement with Emerald Luxury Coaches

After months of speculation, it’s official: Liberty Coach, the world’s premier manufacturer of luxury Prevost motorcoach conversions, has reached agreement to provide sales and related dealership services for Emerald Luxury Coaches of Stephenville, Texas.

Emerald Luxury Coaches is the latest venture from John Walker, whose Outlaw Conversions is internationally renowned for creating extraordinary custom living quarters in horse trailers. With Emerald, he’s looking to bring Outlaw’s distinctive style and legendary craftsmanship to the Prevost market. And Konigseder, for one, is impressed with the results.

“It definitely has a style all its own, and the quality of the workmanship is obvious,” he said.  “And the price point is exceptionally attractive.”

That is borne out by the Emerald X3, a 2015 double slide Prevost motorcoach that is the company’s first coach listed for sale on the Liberty Coach website. Stunningly finished and feature packed, the unit is listed at $1,495,000 – considerably less than any other Prevost conversion on the market, according to Konigseder.

“We’re excited to be adding Emerald to our lineup,” he said, noting that Liberty’s role will be limited to sales and service, primarily through their full-service Prevost dealership in Stuart, Florida. “It’s a great opportunity for us to expand our customer base. And for Emerald, it’s a chance to have their product represented by the top sales team in the industry.”

It’s also the first time in Liberty’s 42-year history that the company has entered into a contractual agreement with another coach convertor – a milestone that has the industry taking notice. “It’s a win-win situation for both companies, no question about it,” Konigseder said.

With locations in Stuart, FL and North Chicago, IL, Liberty Coach has been providing legendary leadership in the luxury motor coach industry for over 40 years.  For more information about Liberty’s custom Prevost motor coaches, please visit or call 800-554-9877. 

CATEGORY : Company News

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